Monday, May 30, 2011

E-11: Annual Lower Sac Tune Up Trip

Fellow Extravaganzers:


Late each May we send out an expeditionary trip of two boats to fish the Lower Sacramento River (right in downtown Redding) to see what might fare for that year’s Extravaganza.  As shown above, this year we had two representatives from Group One (Brian “Moraine” Shepard and John “SOS” Reimann, leaning left in the first of the above shots) joined by Group Three’s Scott “Crack” [yes, there is an E (non-drug) story there!] McAdams (who just last week was promoted to be Head of Corporate Banking for all of Mechanics Bank—congrats, Crack!!) next to RCR.


Based on our non-scientific testing (SOS and Crack drank their way downstream in their SS Parducci), the resultant forecast for E-11 is big fish for Group One (see the sampling above of 20+ inchers the sober boat caught and released) and for Group Three “one after the other” of smaller fish, with plenty in the net to put a smile on everyone’s face.


My prediction for E-11:  We will need the second Twenty Inch Club signup board (already ordered and at Headquarters) and, in the aggregate, we will catch (and release) north of 1,800 glorious Montana trout this year [yes, for you math majors out there, that is over 600/group and, on the average, over 25/fisherfolk].


Onward we go to E-11, gang!!






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